My picks for my favorite albums this year:
Blue Scholars Bayani
This album has been rocking my world. Really lovely, conscious, thoughtful hip-hop. The song Morning of America is my favorite of the year - alas can't find it online for the link. Enjoy however
Back Home, a powerful if a little on-the-nose anthem,
NorthbyNorthwest, a delightful self-introduction and
Ordinary Guys, a cute alternative to aggrandizement. Their
first album is great, too.
Brother Ali The Undisputed TruthIncredible album for the albino rapper -
Truth Is, sadly bleeped, makes me feel like I'm already free. I also love Daylight and his intro to
Uncle Sam Goddamn quotes Nina Simone's classic line "this is a show tune, but the show hasn't been written for it... yet" and that made me very happy.
The White Stripes Icky ThumpYou already know about this one, unless, you know, you don't rock.
Rag and Bone is my favorite track.
The Cat Empire
So Many Nights
Great third (and a half) album from The Cats. No Longer There is a beautiful song, Fishes is up there with their classic good time tunes like Hello Hello, but for me the best track is The Darkness, which is clearly Harry-led and shows the influence of his work on the Jackson Jackson album. I need to figure out how to host mp3s.
Feist The ReminderTalking of
triumphant Nina Simone covers. Feist makes me happy.
Bruce SpringsteenMagicGirls in Their Summer Clothes, to blatantly steal from the Onion Avclub, is the best Magnetic Fields song Bruce ever wrote. And
Living in the Future stops me fretting about all this happening yet. His live in Belfast album, also out this year is also good news, it's all his classics but redone in the Seeger Sessions folk style.